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Executive Cybersecurity - Maturation Assessment Tool, or EC-MAT, is an assessment tool that allows assessors to evaluate cybersecurity programs.

Top level concepts and elements were pulled from cybersecurity frameworks which allows for a faster evaluation and a quicker determination of the maturation level.

Lastly, upon completion of an assessment, the assessed can generate a management ready report.

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+ The EC-MAT Index Score provides intelligent data and insights to key performance areas in an easily digestable format.


+ The EC-MAT 360 assessment allows the assessors to remain as anonymous as possible, thus allowing them to be open and honest.


+ EC-MAT is open for anyone to use regardless of where they work.



We Believe
We BELIEVE in the quality of EVERY tool we offer.
We BELIEVE in our ability to improve the future.
We BELIEVE that good leaders create and promote diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity.
We BELIEVE in the productivity of togetherness to deliever excellence.



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